Puzzle 2 - Variant 10 #Example Images #Example 0Example 1Example 2Candidate Images #Candidate 0Candidate 1Candidate 2Which candidate among the above candidates is most similar to all the example images? Explain why.Groundtruth English Description #Click to view the intended discriminator ...Candidate 2 is the intended discriminator with description:For every sphere there is a cylinder to the left of it and to the right of it. Our Tool’s Prediction #Click to view our tool's prediction ...Our tool selected Candidate 2 as being the most similar to the example images with the discriminator:Exists q0: cylinder. Exists q1: cylinder. Forall q2: sphere. left(q0,q2) AND left(q2,q1) Baseline Output #Click to view the baseline's prediction ...The neural baseline selected Candidate 2 as being the most similar to the example images.