Adithya Murali


I'm Adithya Murali, a Ph.D. candidate at UIUC working with Madhusudan Parthasarathy. My primary area of research is programming languages, and I work broadly on program verification and program synthesis.


I am an incoming assistant professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison starting Jan 2025.
I am actively looking for students to work with, so do reach out to me if you like my research!


The overarching focus of my research is to democratize software verification, enabling programmers who are not verification experts to verify their code. I'm intrigued by the idea of making verification technology broadly accessible by lowering the cognitive burden involved in automated software verification.
A primary focus of my work is to develop data-driven logic learning techniques (learning logical formulas from data) to replace the expert help currently required in automated software verification.


More generally, I also in the area of program synthesis, and have a big interest in exploring questions at the intersection of symbolic synthesis and machine learning (e.g., "Neuro-Symbolic" learning).  

# On My Team

Here is a non-exhaustive list of many talented individuals I have had the pleasure of working with:

# Academic Service

# Teaching


BITS-Pilani, Hyderabad

# Awards

# Other Academic Activities